In order to facilitate in-person worship we have adopted the following safety measures:

• Good ventilation in every room there are people meeting. The Sanctuary has a very large air exchanger which blows fresh outside air into the back of the room and then blows it out through a large fan located behind the cross. Smaller rooms like those where the children will be meeting have window fans which refresh the air constantly.
• Not offering anything to drink or eat at this time. We don’t want to tempt you to lower your mask.
• Reducing the amount of singing because of it being a high-risk activity. Until it is safe enough, we will not be singing the first three praise songs which opened in the Service in the “Before Days.”

Requirements for everyone who wants to attend:

As with going just about anywhere in this time, all those who attend in-person worship,  you must not be experiencing any symptoms at all such as:
o Headache
o Sore throat
o Runny nose
o Fever or chills
o Cough
o New loss of smell
o Shortness of breath
o Muscle pain or body ache
o Diarrhea
o Fatigue
o Nausea or vomiting.

• You must wear a proper mask inside the building, ESPECIALLY when singing.
• You must not eat or drink around others as you would need to lower your mask.
• You must ask for consent if you want to be in close proximity to someone who is not regularly part of your bubble (i.e., ask before you give them a hug).

Additional requirements for those 12 and older
• All those who qualify for vaccination must be vaccinated. We are following the same timetable as the BC Vaccine Card program (single dose plus 2 weeks for this Sunday and the next, and then fully vaccinated after that). We will not be verifying this, but instead relying on everyone’s integrity, because if we can’t do that, we have bigger problems than COVID-19.
Additional requirements for those under 12 and their parents/guardians
• Because those 11 and under cannot yet be vaccinated, we feel it is too risky to mix them with those who could be infected and become seriously ill such as those who are older and those with underlying conditions which may reduce their immune response. Thus, children in that age group will be enjoying their own age-appropriate worship service under the leadership of Pastor Lisa in the classroom section of the building. We ask that the parents/guardians drop off and pick up, and sign them in and out at the West parking lot entrance. Please do not go in with them. If you feel the need to see them before we are all finished, please go that same entrance, and don’t walk through the back Sanctuary doors – we are really trying to keep the vaccinated and unvaccinated separated.

Continuing Zoom option
• For those who are restricted from coming, and for those who are just not comfortable yet, we will still be offering the Zoom option. Please be prepared, however, for some technological hiccups for the first couple of weeks as blend together on-line with in-person. To begin with, we will be using a proper Nikon camera and essentially broadcasting the entire service rather than sharing the screen. To make this work well, we will need your feedback so we can improve it week to week.

On Sunday before you arrive:
• Make sure it’s been at least two weeks since you had your first shot of vaccine.
• Do a personal health check (see above for the list of symptoms).
• Arrive 10 minutes earlier than you would normally so we don’t get crowding at the doors or in the Narthex.
• Stay home if you have any symptoms or are not vaccinated and join us on Zoom.
• Bring a three-layer mask. If you forget, we have lots.

What to expect when you arrive on Sunday:
• If travelling with a child under 12 years, enter by the door at the far end of the parking lot between the fenced play areas. Follow Sunday Church procedures.
• Put on your mask before entering the building.
• Those without children under 12 will be met by a greeter who will direct you or your group where to sign in.
• Sign in at one of 3 tables confirming that you are vaccinated and you do not have any COVID-19 symptoms.
• Avoid bunching up in large groups.
• Proceed directly to the sanctuary (resist the temptations!)
• Hand sanitizer will be available.
• The air exchanger will be running in the Sanctuary. You might hear the hum of two big fans.
• Select a seat(s) that has some space between you and other worshippers (2 chairs between and/or staggered with those in the rows in front or behind you).
• If you need help to find a space an usher can assist you.
• If you have been meeting/socializing with other worshippers whom you consider ‘in your bubble’ ask them first (consent) before you sit next to them.
• If we are not able to physically distance be assured that everyone has been vaccinated, the air exchanger brings fresh air into the sanctuary effectively.

What will in-person worship be like?
• Probably weird and familiar at the same time.
• We will see familiar faces.
• Roy and Rob will bring us piano and bass music.
• Song leaders will help us remember how to sing.
• We will hear and sing familiar songs/hymns.
• We will pray in community.
• Words for service and singing will be projected on the wall.
• Dave will lead and preach from the pulpit.
• There will now be four new prayer tables to move to for the individual candle lighting during the Prayers of the People. Please take your time – we are in no rush.

What will Zoom Worship be like?
• For the most part, you will see what those in the Sanctuary see.
• You will see other Zoomers.
• Words to worship, prayers and songs will be through the image the camera captures on the wall of the sanctuary.
• Music will be live, not recorded.
• Breakout rooms will be available at the end.
• Pastor Sue will be hosting you.

How will worship be different?
• The air exchanger will be running.
• The adults will use the two washrooms in the Narthex, the children will use the four washrooms in the classroom areas.
• A volunteer will be using a camera to send worship to those worshipping remotely on Zoom.
• Children under 12 and their leaders will be at the other end of the building and sadly won’t be interacting with the adults.
• There won’t be any praise song singing at the beginning.
• Communion is postponed until we figure out the best way to do it.
• Everyone will be singing with masks on.
• Care will be taken to avoid people clumping together (staggered candle lighting).
• Coffee and treats will not be offered at this time.
• We’ll be considerate of people worshipping remotely.

Practice kingdom grace by
• Giving people space (make your circle wide).
• Speaking to neighbours from your seat before and after worship.
• Offering an elbow or fist bump instead of a hug or handshake.
• Understanding if others are not feeling comfortable to sit close or touch or sing with gusto.
• Keeping your conversations short to avoid large groups clumping.
• Inviting a person outside after worship for an open-air visit
• Planning to meet others for coffee or lunch.
• Planning to meet in a small group.
• Picking up your children promptly after worship.