Rev. Dave Anderson
Lead Pastor
Born in Berkeley, California to a New Testament professor and an early childhood educator, Dave moved to Vancouver before his first birthday. Growing up as a late Baby Boomer, the 60’s and 70’s laid a strong foundation for social justice in his life. While studying psychology, Dave became a disciple of Christ, in part through his involvement in Peace and Justice movement. Not long after, seeking to combine his discipleship with his penchant for justice, Dave was accepted as an intern at The Martin Luther King Jr. Center (thekingcentre.org) in Atlanta,Georgia, where he studied non-violent social change with Coretta Scott King.
After graduating from UBC, Dave married Laura Alden who then supported him through the final three years of his seminary studies at the Vancouver School of Theology (vst.edu). Ordained in 1990, Dave moved with Laura to 100 Mile House, where he was settled as the ordained minister. Very quickly, they fell in love with the community, which became their home for the next dozen years and the birthplace of their two daughters, Moriah and Katrina.
While at 100 Mile House United Church Dave took a call as the B.C. Conference Minister for Lower Mainland Mission Enhancement and the families moved to the Tri-Cities. During his 3 ½ years as Conference Minister, Dave and his family attended Eagle Ridge United Church where, once again, they fell in love with the community and the people. In September 2005, Dave happily took the call to be the ordained minister at Eagle Ridge to lead them through an intentional period of congregational transformation and on into the future.